BUAS reporters on tour!

Igor Sekulovic, Quinty Mol, Greta Gervasio, Meike van Dinther

Tweedejaars-studenten van BUAS zijn op pad geweest om een aantal van onze partners te interviewen. Ze spraken met Joep van Gorp, founder van Doloris, over het effect dat Doloris heeft gehad op Tilburg. Igor Sekulovic deelt vol enthousiasme zijn verhaal over This is LOVSKI. Én de studenten interviewden Monique Verhulst over het fenomeen Kunst in de Heilige Driehoek, dat trouwens sinds kort de naam h3h biënnale draagt. Hieronder een introductie van of een gedeelte uit de drie artikelen die uit deze interviews zijn voortgevloeid. Via de link onder de introducties lees je de complete artikelen. Let op! Twee sidenotes: de studenten hebben zelf de (eind)redactie gevoerd én de opdracht was om dit geheel in het engels te doen.

written by: Oussama Ouali, Luca Scholten and Annemarie de Jong

Doloris consists of a Meta Maze, a three-dimensional experience of which the visitor is a part of, says Joep. The maze is filled with many rooms, each designed by an artist. How the maze is experienced is different for each person. I have seen people being very energetic and contrarily, I have also seen people being emotional and a little scared even. The experience in the Meta Maze also depends on the choices the visitor makes in the maze. For example, the visitor could choose to go right instead of left, that will cause him/her to experience the maze differently from others. That also makes it a very personal experience compared to other free roaming art experiences Besides that, Doloris also consists of a rooftop bar.

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written by: Quinty Mol, Greta Gervasio and Meike van Dinther

Music has globalized tremendously in the past decennium. Back in the early 2000 ́s the music industry was falling apart due to the decrease in CD sales caused by the growing popularity of downloading illegal music. Luckily, the music industry reinvented itself and over the last years and streaming culture has developed. This shift from old school channels, such as radio and CD’s, to streaming platforms and online video channels, had a significant impact on the geography of music. Now, the entire world has access to online platforms and all the music available there. Borders are not an obstacle anymore for artists to make their music worldwide (R. Van Gijssel, November 2020). One of the artists who used this aspect in their advantage is Igor Sekulovic who was born in Banja Luka, former Yugoslavia, and came to the Netherlands as a refugee at the age of 10 years old. What started out as an unfortunate experience, turned out to be the beginning of the successful story of ‘This is LOVSKI.’

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written by: Mathilda Liello and Loes Rosmalen

The Biennale contributes to the awareness of this unique region, so this event also contributes to the preservation of the Holy Triangle in Oosterhout, North Brabant. Through public events in the art and culture sector, we pay special attention to the cultural history, landscape architecture and architectural qualities of the area. But also trying to protect the area and make people aware of the area and how to value such a specific place.

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